The daily progress of my internship at V2 for the project Closer.


Posted by Ash | Posted on 04:45 | Posted in ,

In the morning we finished a brainstorm with combining the essence of each concept. It looked like a grid and we let ourselves have 5 a 10 min. per block. Each block representing two concepts to fuse.

Then before lunch we helped a little with the spring cleaning. We had to move the archive from the top floor to the basement. Luckily there was a lift to help.

After lunch we started a new brainstorm with the new ideas in mind. We had 5 min. each concept and we had draw/write ideas that came to mind. Then we presented the ideas to each other.

Tuesday we are going to filter out the strongest ideas. Either creating new concepts or changing the old.

Monday we planned to give some space to each other and doe some research on the concepts. To help motivate the path these concepts are taking.

Later in the afternoon we had a evaluation on how our process went. We also discussed our rolls and what is missing or is going good. It was a productive conversation. It helped to get our minds on the same page.

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